Can we turn the ordinary into extraordinary? Can we make the routine into something special that we can come back to again and again?
Many of us thrive on the routine of life, the run of the mill day to day, but at NEVE Wellness we are always seeking ways to just add a little spice to our daily habits to enrich our lives that little bit extra.
We see so much these days about creating space and time for journalling, meditation, visualisation, or exercise to name but a few, but often the days feel short and there are a million things to do. This is why we love integrating our self care rituals into our skincare routine.
Here are our 3 simple tips to turn your skincare routine into a powerful ritual:
1. Cleansing the skin. Cleansing your thoughts.
Often on an evening we ruminate about the day, a little comment that has stuck in our head, the way we wished we dealt better with a situation, or even a niggling criticism we struggle to let go of. When you feel yourself churning over thoughts like this your evening cleanse can be the perfect time to begin letting go.
As you massage your cleanser into your skin tell the thought that you no longer need it, it doesn't serve you today, and wish it goodbye. As you wash away any product and leave your skin revived imagine the thought of it going down the plughole and leaving you feeling renewed. If you like, you can practice this each day with the same thought and see how you feel about it as the days progress.
2. Layering your products. Layering your thoughts.
We layer our products carefully, one at a time and with purpose and intention, each day. However, we often aren't as kind with our thoughts and the words we say to ourselves. Think of some of the negative thoughts you often find yourself coming back to and decide how you can best turn them around into a positive affirmation.
For example, if you have been berating yourself for not getting through enough of your to do list you could turn this round to : 'I'm so proud of everything I've achieved today, I did my best. I am enough."
Choose a powerful affirmation for each layer of your skincare or repeat the same one over if you prefer. This creates such a powerful moment.
3. Cocooning with gratitude
Gratitude lists are such a powerful tool for a healthy mindset but are often a task that gets overlooked. Next time you are applying your body products, take the time as you massage your product into each part of your body to express your gratitude.
This is particularly powerful if you want to build a better relationship with your body, thanking it for all it does for you, but it can also be used to express general gratitude for the day. For example, as you massage oil into your legs think of all that your legs have done for you today and thank them. This builds such a healthy connection with your body. We are often prone to complain about our bodies, we rarely take the time to thank them and marvel at all they do for us.
We hope you've enjoyed these 3 simple tips to elevate your skincare routine to skin & self care ritual. If you feel overwhelmed at the thought of this full process then chose just one ritual to start with and build slowly as you progress. Enjoy.